Monday, March 24, 2014

Pakistan Government National Savings Prize Bonds Scheme

Pakistan Government National Savings Prize Bonds Scheme

Prize Bonds is gold investment and are bearer type of security available in the denominations of Rs. 200, Rs. 750, Rs. 1, 500, Rs. 7, 500, Rs. 15, 000 and Rs. 40, 000. These bonds are issued in series. Each series consist of one less than 1, 000, 000 bonds. No fixed return is paid but prize draws are held on quarterly basis. The draws are held underneath common draw technic and the numbers of trophies are alike for each series. It means that if 50 series of Rs. 200 Prize Bond are in circulation. Then on each draw we have 50 winners of 1st prize and 150 winners of 2nd Prize and so on.

Prize Bond " Scheme is the only just source for flat and middle class people investment opportunities to become moneyed overnight and making their dreams come true Prize bond offers investment options and it is far better than Forex investment but this scheme has been ignored plenty, Recently, profit rates on five saving schemes namely Defense Saving Schemes, DSS, Regular Income Certificates RIC, Behbood Saving Certificates, Savings Accounts, SA and Extraordinary Saving Certificates, SSC have been innumerable by 8 to 50 basis points but Prize Bond Scheme was not given consideration at all. Tragically, the increase of profit rates on these mentioned schemes will not lessen dues burden of Rs. 150 billion or more on account of Defense Saving Certificates maturing in the near future. Prize Bonds " Scheme is the only champion in this regard, provided and they are agnate baby approach. The after suggestions are duly implemented.

People double their money in business in few years. So, government should care about its investors. From my services I do not get money for children education in good institutions, admired medicines and any tourism at all. One other important antecedent is security of prize bonds. It can be snatched. Government can equip tip numbers for the purpose of security. We keep our prize bonds in a bank locker of Commensurate Bank of Pakistan main meed at Napier avenue, Lahore. We purchase or replace bonds from State Bank, Lahore or ABL. Sometimes we purchase bonds from any dealer shop near State Bank of Pakistan. There should be any security during transportation.

Many nobles and leaders responded to my asking of prayer for our family that our family win big prize in the prize bonds scheme. They and their follower gave me message of their prayers. Even people of other religions sent me message regarding their prayers about us. These prayers did not let us win any big prize but provided us some financial resources. Blue-blooded people guess that prayers have great effect however these prayers have not been proving effective for many years. You can also consider a assessment for the effectiveness of prayers.

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