Thursday, February 13, 2014

How Does Religion And Spirituality Affect The Teenage Population?

How Does Religion And Spirituality Affect The Teenage Population?

Over 85 percent of teenagers are affiliated with an organized religion. In addition, it is estimated that 80 percent of these individuals pray and 40 percent pray daily. More than half of this population attends religious services at first off memento.
If I were to ask high school seniors how important religion is to them, the majority would most likely report some type of religious belief or belief in a higher dynamism is an important part of their lives.
Religion has also been identified as a grudging resource for the younger population. Teenagers who report religious beliefs promote to have lower levels of:
" Delinquency
" And early sexual behavior
In view of the supreme findings and much more than these I scheme there is progress research and available grants for supplementary research. One funding opportunity announcement I discovered was issued below the United States Department of Health and Human Services first in September of 2007. Phrase: The Influence of Religiosity and spirituality on Health Risk Behaviors in Children and Adolescents ( R21 )
The announcement asked for research studies that examine the:
" Mechanisms
" Mediators
" And moderators
By which religious and incomprehensible beliefs develop and are educated or passed down to other generations.
The National Institute of Health was named as the participating organization. The NIH would matching to learn whether and how these beliefs influence primary sexual behaviors, alcohol or other drug use that may walk through the transmission of HIV in children and adolescents. The focus is on positive and negative effects of religiosity and spirituality.
The good luck that so many teenagers are responsive in religion and incorporate religion into their lives in some way or too many prompts our government agencies and others to take a closer contemplation at how this affects the teenage population, their behaviors and our society.
I security more and more human service agencies learn how to intertwine religion, spirituality and scientific research into their programs of care. I perceive scientific methods of treating social, mental and emotional problems are not enough for anyone.
Source: Online Government Grants

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