Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fruit Smoothies At Work

Fruit Smoothies At Work

Studies show that foods bloated in antioxidants can administer the benefits a person needs to help ward off disease and disease. Antioxidants fight the oxidizing effects of free radicals, which storming our cells, create our horde to breakdown, and speed the aging process. While not a cure - all, they are one element in an overall health program.

A fruit that is well-to-do in antioxidants are acai berries. " Acai berries are in process considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants. " ( University of Florida News, January 12, 2006, From Source: Stephen Talcott, Assistant Professor, University of Florida ' s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences )

A natural food product compatible as this berry is a great alternative to rarefied sugar, which researchers rest assured, is not supportive to good health when over - exasperated. " Sugar is a carbohydrate and a source of energy, but too much sugar in the diet can contribute to health problems, including obesity and tooth decay. " ( Health Inside, An Australian Government Initiative, Primary Source: Better Health Channel ( Information produced in exchange with Royal Children ' s Hospital Nutrition Department, Australia ). Acai berries have low natural sugar content, which may aid diabetic sufferers who swivel for healthy diet alternatives.

In today ' s competitive business environment, high productivity levels are a prime cause in ensuring a company ' s survival. Owners and managers must keep current with the latest methods to keep their employees motivated and energized to perform efficiently. Human resource professionals need to educate themselves on ways to promote collaboration between individuals and work teams.

When employees are motivated and cooperating with one extended, there is a positive environment, which benefits the company and its workers financially. A profitable company means better salaries, bonuses, incentives, and less chance of workforce reduction. A pleasant and productive work taction can transcend the workplace and help employees have a better home life due to decreased stress levels.

Since we are what we eat, food plays a big role in healthy lifestyles and workplace productivity. Certain foods can contribute to or take away from proper work performance. Clear sugars are not good food energy sources in most cases, and healthier options are undoubtedly available. The debate remains: what are the best foods for enhancing workplace productivity, health, weight - loss regimens, and mood.

For an afternoon energy boost that is good for ones ' health it is best to consume fresh fruit which contain natural sugars. Larger alternative is healthy chocolate. Chocolate opulent in pure cocoa and unsweetened is the best, although if you have to choose between two types of sugar-coated chocolate go for the dark over the milk chocolate.

Cocoa powder is prosperous in antioxidants allying infrared wine, mangosteen fruit, acai berries, Noni fruit, and blueberries. The darker the chocolate the more antioxidants it contains. Chocolate likewise into a diet can actually prompt dessert cravings a person who is dieting may have. Diets that prevent people from foods they enjoy often originate the person to desert the diet seeing of its confusion of lifestyle quarters. Treating oneself to a little healthy dark chocolate as a treat while on a diet can keep a person on the outright and insufficient to their diet goals. They gratify their delectable food cravings, get antioxidant benefits, and at peace do not overindulge. People, who do not overindulge, are not given to weight gain, which can lead to diabetes.

Chocolate has a high ORAC Assessment ( Oxygen Rebellious Absorbance Bent ), as do acai berries. The higher the ORAC Appraisal of a food the better it can annihilate free radicals in the body. The ORAC measurement tells the antioxidant capacity of a food.

Therefore, in the workplace it is a good thing for employers to educate their employees to eat properly and especially snack properly during the day. Mid - morning and afternoon prayer are famous for rarefied sweets and soft drinks. Substituting healthy chocolate and fresh fruit drinks, smoothies, and other natural foods can benefit employees and administrator alike. Fresh fruit drinks with blueberries, acai berries, and the comparable will proffer the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which gives people energy. Numerous energy levels are capable of enhancing moods. When a worker has a positive vein he or tomboy cooperates with fellow workers better and cleverly does more work, or the identical amount of work with more quality.

There are many options available to those who want to eat healthy and avoid processed sugar. Research shows that sugar produces highs and lows in vein, contributes to weight gain, and contributes to obesity and diabetes. When there are fresh fruits and berries, and pure cocoa products available, the workplace environment can be one that is healthy and productive.

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