Sunday, December 1, 2013

Top 8 Lies About Healthcare Reform

Top 8 Lies About Healthcare Reform

Things have gotten pretty heated in the Health Care Debate, those opposed to Obama ' s proposed health care reform, have clear-cut their opinions and allegedly been speechless at rallies, enduring injuries for which they now cannot supply treatment, due to they don ' t have insurance. Congressmen have yelled out at Obama, deeming him a liar. Kanye West told Obama, he would let him finish, but that Dennis Kucinich had the best plan for health care reform of all time. OF ALL TIME! President Obama stated in his speech, the time for hassle is over. He oral that he will call you out if you persist in to issue false information about health care reform. Here ' s a review of some of the top myths surrounding the topic of health care reform.
Healthcare in the United States is #1
While the United States does have some of the best health care available to bodies, it is not available to all below our current health insurance system. Uncontaminated U. S. medical technology has not translated into better health outcomes and neither has exceeding spending on health. The United States places 2nd in Total Health Expenditures, spending 15. 4 % of total GDP on health, just behind Marshall Islands at 15. 4 % ( damn Marshall Islands, always trying to. 2 % up us ). In a study examining percentage of Total Preventable for Deaths, the United States and 18 other industrialized nations, the U. S. ranked 14th with 110 % ( deaths per 100, 000 data from 2002 - 2003 ). Preventable Death Ranks
There is great health care in the United States, for those who can lend it. But when the rate of death from childbirth is still 1 in 4200, compared to Ireland at 1 in 47, 600 and we rank 24th in Healthy Life Dream rankings, I ' d be solid pressed to voice we have the best health care in the world. But then also, when I placed 37th in a recent 5K, I made a t - shirt that vocal I ' m the best runner in the world.
And conversation of running, as long as 74. 1 % of plebeians over the age of 15 are considered obese, a major risk circumstance for like preventable and leading effect of death diseases compatible as heart disease and diabetes, we ' re alertness to need to reevaluate our health care system, and our health environment. Perhaps this isn ' t the time for Hardees to introduce the fathomless fried bologna biscuit?
Obama’s plan is universal health care, which is socialized medicine
This is true. Obama also was not born in the United States. Oh, what ' s that you ' ve seen his birth tag? That looks false. And is Hawaii really a state? Also, did you know he ' s force to force your children into community service and that’s the basis he ' s giving more money to Americorps is being he wants to start his own National Horde... of utopian pinched ass volunteers who can only store to eat mazuma and rice. They ' re works to take over this country, one habitat for humanity flat at a time.
That ' s all false. Omit the part about AmeriCorps volunteers being necessitous and eating rice and hard cash. By definition, socialized medicine involves government financing and direct provision of health care services. Health care reforms dating as far back as the 1930s have been smeared as socialized medicine, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt ' s consideration of government health insurance when crafting the 1935 Social Security Bill; President Lyndon Johnson ' s 1965 legislation establishing Medicare and the 1993 - 1994 Health Care Initiative proposed by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Source
HealthCare Reform Will Increase Your Taxes
Yes it will. I ' m sorry, I will I could read this wasn ' t true. If you are a joint tax filer and your joint income exceeds $350, 000 but is less than $500, 000 you will have a 1 % tax, if your joint income is greater than $500, 000 but less than $1 million, it ' s a 1. 5 % tax. If your joing income is more than $1 million per year, 5. 4 % tax. If you ' re single and ballin out of control you would be subject to surtax opening at $280, 000. So precisely, it will increase your taxes. Generate I know most of my readers fall in the highest earning 1. 2 % of American households. I only speak to ballers.
Obama’s plan will minister coverage to undocumented immigrants
Undocumented immigrants are individuals who have come to this country and do not retain proper ticket. They are sometimes referred to as illegal immigrants, often as " ferners ", but regularly by people who understand all Spanish - words people are Mexican, all brown non - Spanish talking people are terrorists, and Africa is a country.
This is a big one. So much so that it caused Congressman Joe Wilson to cheer out at Obama during a speech. Where there has been much contention about this topic is below the section that covers " Individual Affordability Credits ". In it, it states " For purposes of this division, the term " affordable credit eligible individual " means, subject to subsection ( b ) an individual who is lawfully commenced in a State in the United States... " Beneath section 246 name NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS it states, " Extinction in this subtitle shall confess Federal payments for affordability credits on benefit of individuals who are not lawfully nowadays in the United States ". So strikingly, indubitably, the plan will cover undocumented immigrants.
What people are saying is that seeing it does not hurting for you to show proof of citizenship, those immigrants without ID could get coverage through this plan. So there is a loophole if people wanted to get coverage.
The new plan will not proffer coverage if you get sick, since it will cost too much
Hey, wait a second. That’s how insurance companies work now. Insurance companies even now converse care through restricting coverage or procedures and tests corresponding MRIs and CAT scans and annulling coverage for pre - existing conditions. There ' s been a lot of mention of Breast Cancer, and claims that subservient the new health care reform, 300, 000 women would die of breast cancer. The current materiality ( and as Director of a Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, I know a bit about this ) is that Emergency Medicaid does not consider breast cancer a life threatening trait. So if you have been buried and find you have cancer, you would not be able to attain in what is known as Emergency Medicaid. You can still profit by for good decrepit - fashioned Medicaid, but that is a long process and can take up to 6 months, or longer. So in that 6 months that " non - life threatening " cancer is perfecting, and growing and becoming, well perhaps just slightly less " non - life threatening ". In 2000, the Federal Government passed the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act ( BCCPTA ), which allowed states who utensil Breast and Cervical Cancer Programs to eventuate providing full Medicaid benefits to women subservient age 65 who are identified through state BCCP and are in need of treatment for breast or cervical cancer. This is a great program, but there are many U. S. humans who make too much money to qualify for close programs.
Many people with health insurance are denied coverage for pre - existing conditions; often people can’t meet their deductibles in order to get full coverage they need. Many avoid having requisite diagnostic procedures done to arrest diseases earlier, which would be cost - effective over treating, yak cancer, at an earlier stage is less of value, considering of the cost. In the year 2007, 62 % of all bankruptcies were filed due to of medical expenses. Of those, 80 % were covered under doable health insurance.
We don’t need health care reform
There is no health care accident. And there was no glow and there was no advent on the moon. Also, I halfway concerned bigfoot yesterday.
According to a testimony before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on 2 / 24 / 2009 from Cathy Schoen, senior vice - president of The Country Mazuma, the number of adults who were insured, but underinsured and by 60 %. It is estimated that in 2007, roughly 25 million adults subservient 65 were underinsured in 2007.
The underinsured experience closely mirrors that of the uninsured, as over half of underinsured and two - thirds of uninsured do not scrutinize recommended treatment, follow - up care, medications and do not go to the doctor when they are poorly. Both of these groups have vast numbers experiencing financial stress, including medical debt. So, precisely Virginia, there is a health care affair.
The new health care plan forces you to die
When you rename " end of life counseling " meet as " death panel " of traverse people are spirit to get alarmed. The original falsity is that the Turf health care reform bill mandates end - of - life counseling that will anguish seniors to end their lives. Betsy McCaughey stated on the Fred Thomson Show, " And one of the most abominable things I initiate in this bill... is on Page 425, where the Congress makes it binding - - certainly need - - that every five years, people in Medicare have a required counseling parley that will tell them how to end their life sooner, how to decline nutrition, how to decline being hydrated, how to go into hospice care.
The substantiality? Section 1233 of America ' s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 legality the Social Security Act to arrange that advance care planning will be covered if a patient requests it from a war-horse provider. Very well, that ' s right. You will be required ( if you choose ) to talk to someone about your end of life options. Besides, if you application to have an end - of - life counseling clambake, it will be obligatory that you have one.
We Can’t Certitude the Government to Run Our Health Care
Yes we can!!! And we today do!!!
Critics of the proposed government run health care system have wondered why we would want to stock our health care to the government, when the government has failed in so many other areas. They ' ll cite other government run programs they see as failures, near as the post office and the DMV, social security, and even Medicare. But the materiality is that the government - run Medicare ( which is the system most often cited as an example of how the new public option would work if passed ) is terrifically popular. According to a May 2009 Suzerainty Treasure study, " elderly Medicare beneficiaries reported greater overall satisfaction with their health coverage, better access to care, and fewer problems paying medical bills than people covered by administrator - sponsored plans ". That equivalent study reported that elderly Medicare beneficiaries were are 2. 7 times more likely than enrollees in administrator - sponsored plans to percentage their health insurance as excellent, and are less likely to report negative experiences with their insurance plans.
That isn ' t to respond Medicare is perfect, many doctors are no longer accepting Medicare thanks to of declining reimbursement rates. There have been warnings that even more doctors would hilt out of Medicare if reimbursement rates were universal. But things are worse in the private insurance industry. Ten percent of Medicare beneficiaries ' physicians did not accept their insurance, compared to 17 % with supervisor - sponsored plans.
A 2005 Washington Swindle sheet article kingly " The Best Care Anywhere ", the Veterans Health Administration was described as being an industry director in safety and quality measures. It was also praised as having exhibitionistic information technology and its thorough health information system, including its framework for using performance measures to improve quality, is considered the best in the nation.
And fundamentally, I understand the Postal Service is great. Where spare can you stand in line and hear this conversation:
Customer: Yeah I ' mma need 2 one cent stamps.
Customer: Now, how much are those stamps?
Clerk: They would be one cent each.

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